How Can I Improve My Indoor Air Quality During the Heating Season?
You might already know this from experience, but indoor air quality deteriorates during the winter. Consistent heat is a double-edged sword, making us choose between our love of energy efficiency and fresh air being allowed to come inside. Gore Heating & Air’s HVAC crew offers professional suggestions below.
Open Your Windows When Possible
The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes a lack of fresh, outdoor air as one of the primary reasons for poor indoor air quality. Quality insulation and tight-knit building structures keep you warm. However, by barring the entry of fresh air, the risk of stagnant, contaminated air is high.
Professionals recommend that you increase ventilation by leaving windows and doors open when the weather permits.
Keep the Air Moving
It gets cold in places like North Carolina, so cracking open a window or door often isn’t feasible. Why not turn on your thermostat’s fan setting for air quality improvement instead? The fan will run regardless of your ambient temperature, allowing the air filter to continuously remove particles and microbes from the air as it passes through.
Fan mode can also distribute heat more evenly. Just remember to change your heater’s filter more frequently throughout the winter.
Don’t Forget Housekeeping!
How can I improve my indoor air quality during the heating season? Homeowners tidy each room from top to bottom when preparing for the holidays and heating season, which is great for guests. However, that also means countless household cleaning chemicals break down and float around in your home.
Why not use gentler cleaning products? Staying on top of dusting and vacuuming also keeps allergens to a minimum.
Schedule HVAC Maintenance
You can’t go wrong with good, old-fashioned HVAC maintenance. Experts like Gore Heating & Air recommend affordable indoor air quality improvements, and the service will:
- Dust off forgotten or neglected HVAC components
- Clean your vents and ductwork
- Change the filters
- Calibrate the thermostat
- Check for impending repairs and hidden air quality concerns
Schedule a maintenance service in the early autumn – before you fire up the furnace.
Try Air Quality Products
HVAC companies like Gore Heating & Air have home air quality solutions galore. You can find installations to suit every comfort need, including ultraviolet air purifiers. A technician situates these UV lights in ductwork, where they can zap and kill incoming pollutants.
You can also shop for:
- Humidifiers: Heating systems often make indoor air uncomfortably dry. These handy devices balance the humidity inside.
- Portable air purifiers: Trap additional dust with a portable option and take it from room to room as needed.
- Houseplants: Plants absorb carbon dioxide — the gas that you breathe out. They also release oxygen. It’s a symbiotic relationship that adds a touch of natural beauty.
How Can I Improve My Indoor Air Quality During the Heating Season? Gore Heating & Air Has Answers
Call 910-485-5877 for Gore Heating & Air’s recommendations! Start by joining our HVAC maintenance plan and asking about air-purifying UV lights.
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