Importance of Changing Air Filters in Your HVAC During the Summer Months
Summers in Fayetteville, NC, can get up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, or even higher on certain days. It’s normal to use your HVAC system to keep your property cool. However, without proper maintenance, you could be reducing your air conditioner’s efficiency.
For example, do you know the importance of changing air filters on time? Learn more from Gore Heating & Air specialists who help homes and businesses in North Carolina stay comfortable with expert HVAC care.
The Purpose of an Air Filter
Your air filter’s primary purpose isn’t to improve indoor air quality. Instead, your air filter protects your furnace or air conditioner from airborne pollutants like dust, pollen, and hair. Otherwise, they can clog your system and reduce its efficiency, leading to higher energy bills and system malfunctions.
Still, the air filter does improve indoor air quality by catching allergens and keeping them from your lungs. Therefore, many homeowners check the filter if they start experiencing nasal or breathing issues.
Adjusting the Norm for Air Filter Checking
You may understand now why most online resources say you should replace it every 90 days, usually at the beginning of each season. However, this basic guideline somewhat undermines the importance of changing air filters by misunderstanding its purpose.
Consider the Seasons
Only replacing the air filter per season also undermines its use. After all, you most likely use your air conditioning system most during the summer. If you have a furnace, you likely have it on most in the winter.
The more active your AC system is, the more often it uses the air filter to keep it clean and functional. So, the more often you use your system, the more often you should replace your air filter.
Not By Your Nose
Again, your air filter works to protect your system from damage, not necessarily to protect you from allergies. So, if you start sniffling because of a clogged air filter, it’s already too late. The system’s filter has blocked up so much that pollutants are likely clogging parts of your furnace or air conditioner.
Measuring by Activity
While you can potentially replace your air conditioner’s air filter every three months during winter, that wouldn’t work best for summer. Instead, check your air filter more frequently during the months you activate your system the most.
The more humid and hotter your weather is, and the more often you use your AC, the more often you should check your filter. Instead of waiting 90 days, check every few days to see if your air filter has turned cloggy and darkened from pollutants.
Local AC Experts at Your Call
Now that you know the importance of changing air filters, do you suspect you have an HVAC issue from forgetting to change it?
You can rely on us to provide top-quality customer service and address all your air conditioning needs in and around Fayetteville, NC. Call Gore Heating & Air at 910-485-5877 or visit our contact page today!
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